[Solved] Resources Financial Accounting Standards
America Online (AOL) is a leader in the Internet access provider industry. In 1996, the company changed a controversial accounting method involving the treatment of the cost of advertising and free trials. The following is an excerpt from a May 15, 2000, CNET News.com article:
America Online will pay a civil penalty of $3.5 million as part of a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission over the accounting of advertising costs. According to the SEC, the Internet and media giant improperly reported most of the costs of acquiring new subscribers – such as the expense of sending computer disks to potential customers – as an asset. As a result, the SEC said AOL posted a profit for six of eight quarters in 1995 and 1996 but would have recorded a loss if the company followed recommended accounting practices.
AOL, backed by its auditor, defended the accounting method of capitalizing these costs arguing that spreading the costs over two years was a justifiable way to match expenses against revenue flows that would emerge later. In 1996, AOL switched to expensing these costs in the period incurred.
Consider the general treatment of advertising and promotion costs.
- Why are these costs normally expensed in the period incurred even though they are incurred with the intention of generating future revenues?
- Why did they expense these costs over a two-year period?
- Then discuss the possible reasons why AOL chose a different approach followed by a discussion of the possible reasons why the company decided to change its method. Also include the civil penalty of $3.5 million leveled by the SEC four years after AOL changed its method.
- Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) promulgated literature
This literature is the authoritative guidance issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. It is accessible through the American Accounting Association website. - The Financial Accounting Standards Board Links to an external site.(FASB) website explains the purpose of the FASB organization, its current projects, and allows you to view various accounting Standards. You can also register for access to the FASB Codification through this site.
- The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Links to an external site.http://www.aicpa.org/Pages/Default.aspx
The AICPA is an organization dedicated to educate, certify, and advocate for certified public accountants. - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Links to an external site.http://www.sec.gov/
The SEC’s website provides news and information about their recent activities, along with archives of SEC forms and rules. - International Accounting Standards Board Links to an external site.http://www.ifrs.org/Pages/default.aspx
The International Accounting Standards Board is the standard setting body responsible for the establishment and enforcement of international accounting standards. - American Accounting Association Links to an external site.http://aaahq.org/ascLogin.cfm
This link provides access to the FASB Accounting Standards Codification. Use the following username and password to obtain access. Username: AAA53291 and Password: wGu2Enp