[Solved] May Visit Following Resources

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[Solved] May Visit Following Resources


Question #1. Use the Internet or the IGlobal Resource System/Library to research articles scientific testing of a recent scientific claim.  You may visit following resources

https://www.oakton.edu/user/4/billtong/eas100/scientificmethod.htmLinks to an external site.

https://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/0_0_0/howscienceworks_06Links to an external site.

http://teacher.pas.rochester.edu/phy_labs/appendixe/appendixe.htmlLinks to an external site.

And, write the scientific testing procedure to provide convincing evidence for the observed case. You will be writing the steps for scientific testing of a hypothesis.

Question #2: Watch the video titled “Launchpad: Methane on Mars” (5 min 40 sec). Be prepared to discuss. Video

Source: NASA e-Clip (2009, October 21). Launchpad: Methane on Mars [Video file]. Retrieved from

https://nasaeclips.arc.nasa.gov/video/launchpad/launchpad-methane-on-mars .

Describe the challenges in collecting data and making observations in the methane study on Mars. Explain how NASA researchers are working to overcome these challenges.

You should submit your solution (MS Word document) before the deadline. Name the document like : LastNameWeek1.doc

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