[Solved] Cusp Project Summary Health

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[Solved] Cusp Project Summary Health


Module 2: Inflammation, Infection, and Immunity 

Module Objectives:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to: 

1. Compare and contrast acute and chronic inflammation. 

2. Explore the pathophysiologic reasons for clinical manifestations and management of health alterations related to inflammation. 

3. Explore the pathophysiologic reasons for clinical manifestations and management of selected infectious processes. 

4. Relate the development of infection to breaks in lines of defense. 

5. Explore the pathophysiologic reasons for clinical manifestations and management of health alterations related to altered immune function. 

Required readings and resources

Sorenson, M., Quinn, L., & Klein, D. (2019). Pathophysiology: Concepts of human disease. Pearson Education. Read chapters 11, 13, 14, 15, & 16 

Go to the CDC website (cdc.gov) and enter ‘antibiotic resistance’ in the search bar. There are multiple short and interesting videos (you do not need to watch them all, rather peruse) 

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has developed the Comprehensive Unit Based Safety Program (CUSP) to address safety concerns (with a significant emphasis on infection control) in the health care system. 

Here is the link to the AHRQ site that addresses the Science of Safety. AHRQ – the Science ofSafety Below are links to some shorter videos that will introduce you to CUSP. 

Introductory video Learn about CUSP

CUSP from a nursing perspective. CUSP from a nursing perspective

CUSP Understand the Science of Safety. CUSP – Understanding the Science of Safety– 

CUSP Project Summary health care acquired infections CUSP Project summary related to health care acquired infectionsPeruse the websites linked into the module. 

Optional resources: 

The following resources may be helpful as you start to work on your first Health Alteration Analysis – take a look. 

David Woodruff, MSN, RN-BC, CNS, CNE has published a number of excellent presentations on youtube. I am no longer linking them into specific modules as they are nearly or more than ten years old, and most are lengthy. However, if you want more detail on a specific concept, go to youtube and enter David Woodruff in the search bar. His videos are excellent in explaining pathophysiology

Alilia Medical Media is a valuable Youtube channel with lots and lots of excellent and short videos. I have not watched all of them, but what I have watched are excellent. Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/c/Alilamedicalmedia/videos

Osmosis is another Youtube channel I have found valuable. Again, I have not watched all of them, but what I have seen has been good. As an example, I was challenged trying to understand the cytokine storm we heard much about during COVID. Osmosis has a video (just over 10 minutes long) that helped me. Here is the link to Osmosis https://www.youtube.com/c/osmosis/videos

The Khan Academy has a lot of engaging videos. Those I have viewed are high quality and accurate. I find this site a little more challenging to navigate than Alilamedicalmedia or Osmosis. You can start your investigation at https://www.khanacademy.org/

‘Crash Course’ videos on Youtube can provide a nice overview before you get started reviewing professional evidence based resources. Go to youtube and then in the search bar, enter ‘crash course pathophysiology’. 

Items due: 

Health Alteration Analysis One-Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Substantive Additions to the Health Alteration Analysis to two peers 

Please see the course calendar for due dates. See the Health Alteration folder (found under content) for guidance. Note: a video overview, examples, and a template are available in that folder. See the grading rubric in the syllabus appendices (the identical grading rubric is copied below for your convenience) 

Appendix B. Health alteration analysis rubric

Students will develop two health alteration analyses over the semester. Choose one of the topics included in the appropriate discussion forum. If you have a health alteration you wish to address that fits with the concepts being studied and is not listed, please email Ruth. I am looking for succinct responses that demonstrate understanding. More detail is not always better. I want you to ‘drill down’ to the essential information and share that with your peers. You may not be able to find the specific ‘why’ in a textbook – this will require you to understand essential information and make meaningful connections

Students will make a substantive addition to two different alterations other than the one addressed in their initial post. Will address a minimum of three health alterations (one primary post, two substantive additions)

For more guidance, and an example, go to the Health Alteration Analysis folder under Content

Health alteration analysis rubric – 30 points possible 


Criteria -primary post 



Not   Satisfactory 


Criterion 1: Succinct   description of the health alteration. 

Summarizes information essential for nursing   understanding clearly, including contributing factors. Three to six   sentences. Well structured, logical. 

(2 points) 

Essential information is not complete. More than six sentences. Organization is   sporadic. (1 point) 


Lacks   clarity. 

(0 points) 


2. Expected assessment   findings 

Accurate. Includes   crucial, expected assessment findings (2 points) 

Some, but not all crucial   assessments included (1 point) 

Inaccurate.   Incomplete. (0 points) 


3. Physiologic causes of   assessment findings 

Accurate. Explains physiologic causes (the why) of   signs / symptoms. Makes meaningful   connections. 

(3 points) 

Physiologic   ‘why’ is incomplete. Some, but not all connections made. 

(1.5 points) 

Inaccurate. Meaningful connections lacking. 

(0 points) 


4: Relevant lab   tests/diagnostics 

Accurate. Includes crucial labs and diagnostics. (1 point) 

Accurate. Some crucial labs/diagnostics not included.   

(0.5 points) 

Inaccurate,   incomplete. 

(0 points) 


5. Physiologic cause of   alterations in labs/diagnostics 

Accurate.   Explains physiologic cause (they 

‘why’) of alterations. Makes meaningful connections. 

(1 point) 

Physiologic ‘why’   incomplete(

0.5 points) 

Inaccurate.   Incomplete. (0 points) 


6. Expected essential   nursing interventions (include dependent and independent) 

Accurate. Includes all crucial, expected   interventions. 

(2 points) 

Most, but not all crucial interventions included

(1 point) 

Inaccurate.   Incomplete. (0 points) 


7. Rationale for   interventions from physiologic perspective 

Accurate. Explains the physiologic ‘why’ for   interventions. Makes meaningful   connections. 

(3 points) 

Accurate. Physiologic ‘why’ is incomplete. Some, but   not all connections made. 

(1.5 points) 

Inaccurate.   Incomplete. Meaningful connections   lacking. (0 points) 


8: Prevention 

(incorporate lifestyle and social determinants as   appropriate) 

Addresses prevention strategies. Consider both   potential social determinants and potential lifestyle considerations. Makes meaningful connections

(2 points) 

Prevention   considered OR social determinants   considered. 

(1 point) 

Inaccurate.   Incomplete. (0 points) 


9. Priorities for Safety 

/ Potential 


Addresses   priorities for safety. Addresses potential complications. 

(2 points) 

Priorities to safety OR potential complications addressed   (but not both) (1 point) 

Inaccurate. Incomplete. (0   points) 


10: Evidence based/   writing quality 

Accesses and integrates at   least two professional

Multiple or lengthy direct   quotations. References 

More than 10   writing mechanics /APA 


evidence-based   sources (see criteria p. 6 of syllabus) per APA style. Sources   developed for the lay person will not   count as professional evidence. Minimal direct quotations. Fewer than five writing mechanics / APA   style errors. Flows clearly and   logically. 

(2 points) 

included, but do not meet   criteria for professional evidence based sources. Five – ten writing mechanics / APA   errors. (1 points) 

errors. No evidence to support   post. 

(0 points) 





Second substantive   addition: content 

Adds important information not   included in initial post. Relevant to nursing practice – for example how will   this knowledge impact 

prioritization, safety and/or outcomes? Demonstrates   critical analysis. Posts to topic other than one in initial analysis or first   addition. 

(4 points) 

Addition   adds minimally to dialog. Value/relevance to nursing practice limited. 

(2 points) 

Inaccurate or incomplete. Lacks substance or value to nursing practice

(0 points) 


Second substantive   addition: Writing mechanics /APA Style / Strength of Evidence 

Based in professional evidence   (see criteria p. 6 of syllabus – sources developed for the lay person will   not count as professional evidence). Fewer than four writing mechanics   errors. Flows clearly and logically. 

(1 point) 

Flows clearly and logically. Four to eight   writing mechanics/ APA errors. 

Strength of evidence questionable. 

(0.5 point) 

Not supported by professional evidence. More than 8 writing mechanics   /APA errors. 

(0 points) 

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