[Solved] Driven Culturefor Six Consecutive

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[Solved] Driven Culturefor Six Consecutive


Big Companies Are Embracing Analytics, But Most Still Don’t Have A Data-Driven CultureFor six consecutive years NewVantage Partners has conducted an annual survey on how executives in large corporations view data. This year, results show nearly every firm is investing in some form of analytics, and most are seeing value. But only one-third say they have succeeded in creating a data-driven culture. And many fear disruption by firms better equipped to use AI. Almost four in five respondents said they feared disruption or displacement from firms like those in the fintech sector or firms specializing in big data. The technology judged most disruptive is AI — by far. Seventy-two percent chose it as the disruptive technology with the most impact — far more than cloud computing (13%) or blockchain (7%).Discussion Questions1. How do executives in large corporations view data?
2. What has made big data and AI projects virtually indistinguishable?
3. Why does it take large established firms so long to shift to a data-driven culture?
Corea, F. (2017, March 6). Big data strategy: Is your company data driven. Retrieved from Medium: https://francesco-ai.medium.com/big-data-strategy-part-iii-is-your-company-data-driven-acf871c38001Discussion Topics requirements

  • This Post and Replies be minimum  250 words minimum per Post/Reply.
  • Post your initial responses by Wednesday night  of the module week so that your classmates have a good chance to read and reply before the end of the week.
  • Respond to at least two of your peers by Sunday night. Peer responses should be approximately 250 words.
  • Provide cogent responses by either supporting or debating your fellow students’ posts, and explain your viewpoint(s) clearly.
  • References must be cited and in current APA format.
  • Minimum of 2 references to support your views
  • Refer to Discussion board Rubric for additional requirements discussionrubric22.pdf


The digital transformation of the workplace is an ongoing process for firms that are striving to stay relevant within today’s business environment. Moving towards a digital profile is to some extent inevitable, as information technology (IT) pervades all types of branches and sectors. The Internet of things (IoT) is a catch-all name for the growing number of electronics that aren’t traditional computing devices, but are connected to the Internet to send data, receive instructions or both (Fruhlinger, 2020). IoT encompass many different industries, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, construction, and consumer electronics. IoT devices include wireless sensors, software, actuators, and can be embedded in to industrial equipment,
environmental sensors, medical apparatus, and mobile phones (ARM, 2020). According to Statista, there were 22 Billion IoT devices in use in 2018 and that number is expected to increase to 50 billion in 2050 (Statista, 2020).Discussion Questions

  1. What role has information technology and the IoT played in helping organizations benefit their business?
  2. What are some of the IoT challenges?

Discussion Topics requirements

  • Post and Replies should be minimum  250 words minimum for each.
  • Post your initial responses Wednesdays by midnight of the module week so that your classmates have a good chance to read and reply before the end of the week.
  • Respond to at least two of your peers by  Sunday night. Peer responses should be approximately 250 words.
  • Provide cogent responses by either supporting or debating your fellow students’ posts, and explain your viewpoint(s) clearly.
  • References must be cited and in current APA format. Minimum of 2 references to support your views
  • Refer to Discussion board Rubric for additional requirements discussionrubric22.pdf Click for more options Click for more options


While some disruptions are nearly impossible to prepare for and even more difficult to recover from, others can be addressed with a thorough disaster recovery plan. In almost all cases, disruptions of your IT infrastructure fall in the second category and can be fixed. The goal of a disaster recovery plan is to provide organizations with the means to address unplanned incidents as quickly as possible to minimize their operational, financial, and reputational impact. 
Discussion Questions1. If you were developing a business continuity plan for your company, where would you start?2. What aspects of the business would the plan address? Provide reasons for your answer. Discussion Topics requirements

  • Post/.Replies are 250 words minimum for each.
  • Post your initial responses no later thanWednesdays of the module week so that your classmates have a good chance to read and reply before the end of the week.
  • Respond to at least two of your peers by  Sunday night. 
  • References must be cited and in current APA format. Minimum of 2 references to support your views
  • Refer to Discussion board Rubric for additional requirements discussionrubric22.pdf 

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